Some News!

Well, it has certainly been a whirlwind the last couple months… And once again, my schedule has gone all to hell.  My apologies for that.  But I have some exciting news, at least I think it is quite exciting.  I have finished a manuscript!  Currently, I am working on edits (or trying to– it isn’t going quite how I want it to, but that will change).  As soon as edits are completed, it will be going to some beta readers.  Eventually, the hope is that I will be sending it off to some agents.

To that effect, I am in the process of doing a few things, including creating a website for myself as an author.  The new site is coming along nicely.  There will be a blog attached to the site.  That means, this blog will be retired.  I’m not getting rid of it.  In fact, it will remain and it is being linked to the new site so folks can peruse the content here.  But after today, all new updates will be over on the new blog.  If you wish to continue to follow me, be sure to take a gander over there!  It’s  Hope to see you there!  If not, I want to thank all my readers and those who have commented over the years.  You guys are amazing!

A Slightly Dampening Realization

So, this week, I had planned on delving more into my writing process, but I think I am going to delay that one for a week or so. I’ve been talking with some friends of mine about Works in Progress (hereby known as WIPs). I had said I was a bit scared to go back and see what all I have to work on (I’ve been collecting ideas for far too long XD). Well, last night, I did some cursory diving into some of my writing folders to see just what I had.
I’ve come to the conclusion that I REALLY need to just- finish something. I have about 15 novels just from past Nano projects (starting in 2013), plus at least another 15 novels from other projects, some of which have been kicking around since junior high, or even before. Of those 30 novels (and that’s a low estimate, honestly since some of the other projects might need to be split up into more), there is only one completed first draft.
As I came to this realization, I made a few decisions. The first one is: I need to finish something, not just the first draft, but all the way through. The second one is- I have no idea how to do that. I tend to go into fairly intense cycles when it comes to working on projects where I will be almost manic when it comes to working on a project. I’ll devote large chunks of time, focus, etc on working on it for days, weeks, even months. But eventually, that peters out. And then I will lose focus, lose motivation. I need to find a way to keep plugging on a project. I have attempted to slow down a bit, do little parts at a time, hoping I don’t burn myself out, but that only works for so long and then the same thing happens: I lose that motivation.
Right now, I plan on trying to pick a project, a new one and go from first step (outlining), then to the first draft, and even to editing. I have never managed to do it. The reason I am telling my readers this is because I am truly curious to know any little secrets you may have for your own writing, any advice. I have been writing since kindergarten and still, I can’t seem to stick with a project long enough to finish it. I hope to change that and again, any advice (including links to blogs, books, just personal stories) would be greatly appreciated!
So feel free to reply in the comments or through the contact form. Next week, I will tell you a bit about my writing process, where I start and I will be focusing on my WriteMind planner!


Hello out there! So I survived another November and another Nano. It was a tough one. This entire year has been tough it seems. But one thing I’ve learned: I want to write. I want to complete a project, from first rough, horrible draft to a polished piece that others may want to read, even pay for! So, to that end, I am going to do my very best to actually do that. As I embark on this journey, I plan on updating this blog once a week. I know I have been terrible in doing that, but I am making a promise to try and stick to that schedule. I am going to utilize scheduling on WordPress since I think that will save me quite a bit.
At this point and time, I think Fridays will be the easiest day to make sure I can get something up by, so expect something each Friday! I am sending this one today, of course, in order to let those of you who read my rather sporadic updates, that I am going to strive to be a better writer, and a better blogger. For now, I am going to concentrate on writing craft, book reviews, maybe a few bits and bobs of other things or thoughts on writing in general. Later on, I may start posting a few rough drafts of various works I’m pecking away on.
Just as a quick aside, I did win NaNo this year, though it was a very rough year. I struggled through 3 projects. Only the last one seemed to help any with the terrible lack of focus I suffered through this year. Still working on that a bit, though I’m running into bits and snags in my motivation. I keep wanting to take a break, just let my brain rest, but then that’s when my characters pipe up with, “Oh, but what about this idea? Or this one? You totally should do this!” -.- I think this is their revenge for what I put them through when I write.
I am happy I won this year, though I am disappointed. My initial goal was to get 100k words in for November, or at the very least, finish the manuscript I had started. That didn’t work out and by the end, I was struggling just to get the 50k. I got it though and now I get to use the discount to purchase a full copy of Scrivener. I started using that this year and I love it. It’s great. It’s so flexible… in some ways, it’s almost too flexible. So I’m currently doing some exploring on how best to set things up for myself to make writing as seamless for me as I can. Once I find it, I will be including that in a blog post, but it might be a while XD
As it stands now, I am giving myself a bit of a break (or trying to anyway) by doing a bit of reading! So look for a book review this Friday! That’s all for now! Thanks for reading and happy writing!

Camp NaNo and Goals

So today, as in just now (midnight) marks the start of Camp NaNoWriMo.  I’m excited for it, mainly because I’ve decided to make this blog and my two sims stories the priority for this month.  I might be able to sneak some work in on the Wyverns as well, but figured I need to ease my way back in.  Being unable to focus lately has been really difficult.  It’s even affecting being able to read which is agony!  So, here’s to hoping!

Now, Camp NaNo.  The one thing I love about it is that it allows you to set your own goal.  And you can choose any project you wish.  Which is why I’m focusing on the blogs this time around.  My goal for this months is 25k.  I think it’s doable. But if for some reason, I run into any snags, I won’t have to push myself to make that goal.  In the same vein, I can blow that goal out of the water.  In fact, I might up that goal if I meet it first.  Here’s to hoping that’s what I can do!

Now, I’ve talked about goals before.  It’s important to have them.  But it’s also important to realize that even if you don’t meet that goal, it isn’t the end of the world.  One of the things I’ve learned from NaNo is that it’s better to get any words down at all.  Will they be the best?  Most likely not.  But the real challenge is getting those first words down.  Whether it’s the first words of that rough draft, beginning a chapter, or a blog post.  The beginning seems to be the hard part.  Oh, sometimes the middle can be tough too, so that’s why just getting words down can be very helpful.  Now, normally, I’m a pretty linear person, linear writer.  I like going in order.  But sometimes, it’s just not possible.  Being flexible is important.  All it might take to get that ‘spark’ that everyone seems to think is how writing happens, is to move onto a different part, or maybe to work on an alternate scene.  Sometimes doing that is enough to make you realize that alternate scene is exactly what you were looking for, or it’s enough to get things going for the actual scene.

It can take a bit to get used to it.  It took me a while, I know that.  Finding stuff like the Snowflake Method helped, as did doing something called Word Sprints.  Word Sprints are the things that have saved me!  Pick an amount of time (I prefer half hour increments because it always takes me a bit of time to get started), pick a starting time, and then just write for that amount of time.  Look at your word count during that time.  Trying to up it each time, or having others to compare word counts with can be a big help.  Here’s a big shoutout to the PA Elsewhere group!  Without them, I don’t think I’d ever have been able to get through Nano!

Actually, I’m writing this for a sprint!  I’m sure it’s pretty rambling, so apologies for that, but I think you can see my point.  I think for my next post here, going to finally get that post up about the various writing tools I use and others that I’ve tried as well.  If anyone wants information on either NaNoWriMo or Camp NaNo, leave it in the comments, or just check out my General Writing Sites Page.

*sheepish grin*

Ok, one day, I will really will try to keep up with this blog… I’ve just been a terrible chronciler in my own life- journals and diaries never survived long with me.  That and life has been hectic the last little while.  In some good news, got a raise and more hours at work, which is great.  The bookstore is doing well and we’re slowly moving toward having our full stock online which has been quite an endeavor and will only prove to be more so as time goes on XD  But it will be worth it.

In not so good news, however, the hubby and I lost our kitty Liger early in February.  It’s been hard adjusting, especially with another kitty that is rather confused about where her buddy went.  Things are moving along, but it’s taking time.

Keep an eye out because I’ve been working on a few things, and they will pop up in the next day or so.